six thousand seven hundred and forty-four


1·方法对安徽省1996~2004年度发生的6 744例急性农药中毒病例进行流行病学调查,并对当地使用较多的农药作急性毒性鉴定分析。

Methods A epidemiologic survey were undertaken for 6744 cases from acute poisoning of pesticides in 1996~2004.


You may not have heard of NGC 6744, a galaxy about 30 million light years away from Earth, but it sure looks familiar.

3·从地球上看,NGC 6744的大小差不多等于三分之二个满月。 可惜的是,由于太过昏暗,我们惟有通过后院式望远镜才能观测到它。

Viewed from Earth, NGC 6744 is about two-thirds the size of a full moon, but it's so faint you can't see it without a backyard telescope.