The goal of the contest is to develop the best game possible within four kibibytes (4096 bytes) of data.
Why change to 4096-byte sectors?
3·通常,您可以使用命令ulimit - n 4096来更改它。
Normally you can change it with the command ulimit -n 4096.
4·缓冲区页面最少为 18,最大为 4097。
The minimum number of buffer pages is 18 and the maximum is 4096.
Change LogBufferPages in the Log stanza or registry key to a value of 4096.
This operation takes longer than when the 4096 bytes occupy a single sector.
7·最新的文件系统使用 4096 字节或更大尺寸的数据结构。
Most modern file systems use data structures that are 4096 bytes or larger in size.
Thus, if a partition begins on a 4096-byte (8-sector) boundary, it's properly aligned.
9·这意味着所有正在运行的应用程序只能使用 7808-4096=3712MB。
It implies that all the running applications can make use of only 7808-4096= 3712MB of memory.
According to the Christie staff, other parameters: resolution: 4K (4:4:4) 4096 x 2160 pixels;