By using "3414" fertilizer experiment method, the contents of n, p, K and yield of onion in Gaoqiao area were comprehensively analyzed.
The relationship between yield and fertilizer application was studied by means of "3414" method under different amounts of N, P and K applied .
3·通过玉米“ 3414 ”试验,测定了石楼县小蒜乡小蒜村种植玉米的最大施肥量与最佳经济施肥量。
The experiment of corn 3414 determines the maximum fertilizing and optimum economic fertilizing of corn planting in Xiaoshuan Village of Shilou County.
Using 3414 fertilizer effect experiment, the effect of nitrogenous(N), phosphate(P), potash(K) fertilizer on rape yield in Dongzhi County was researched.