three thousand one hundred and ninety


1·在3190可以处理35 0瓦(方案)的一二二分贝声压级为4欧姆,从2 8 2 25毫米高音喇叭旁边英寸低音扬声器。

The 3190 can handle 350 watts (programme) into 4 ohms with an SPL of 122db from two 8 inch woofers alongside two 25mm tweeters.

2·NGC 3190直径约75000光年,在狮子座方向,用小型望远镜可见。

NGC 3190 spans about 75, 000 light years across and is visible with a small telescope toward the constellation of the Lion (Leo).

3·与星系群其它星系之间相互作用的引力潮可能导致了NGC 3190的旋臂不对称地环绕中心,而星系盘也出现了扭曲。

Gravitational tidal interactions with other members of its group have likely caused the spiral arms of NGC 3190 to appear asymmetric around the center, while the galactic disk also appears warped.

更新时间:2025-03-18 19:08