As you will see in Table 1, Spanish text expands by 38% from its English equivalent of 21 characters while Italian or Portuguese text expands by 100%.
If it rose to 21%, this would bring in an extra 1% of GDP.
Listing 21 is the completed deployment descriptor for the WSDL file from Part 1.
4·基督信实的一生和他所讲的道经历了时间的考验,并将最终胜过所有其他的信仰(启示录21:1 - 8)。
The historic truth of Christ's life and message has stood the test of time and will ultimately triumph over all other beliefs (Revelation 21:1-8).
A 21-year-old British kid created a home page and sold 1MM pixels each for $1.
Only about 1% occur after 21 weeks.
Well, the interest rates are, in my lifetime, they've been 21 percent and they've been less than 1 percent, so they have failed in everything they've done.
The 1% share has gone from 9 to 21.
On Dec. 21, 1638, the full moon was in total eclipse from 1:12 to 2:47 UT.
Your best days for romance this month will be May 1, 2, 5, 15-16, 20-21, 24-25, and 27.