Full auto-calendar (to year 2099).
2·截至2009年5月7日格林尼治时间06:00时,23个国家正式报告了2099例甲型H1N 1流感感染病例。
As of 06:00 GMT, 7 May 2009, 23 countries have officially reported 2099 cases of influenza a (H1N1) infection.
By implication, they assumed that the Dow Jones Industrial Average would reach 25, 000 in 2009 and 28m in 2099.
4·2009年5月7日-截至2009年5月7日格林尼治时间06:00时,23个国家正式报告了2099例甲型H1N 1流感感染病例。
May 2009 - as of 06:00 GMT, 7 May 2009, 23 countries have officially reported 2099 cases of influenza a (H1N1) infection.