In April, 1841, he received his doctor's degree.
In 1841, Northup met two men who claimed to be from a circus.
In August 1841, British forces made the coastal Fujian and Zhejiang, Emperor Daoguang ordered the dispatch of soldiers, revendication.
The noun is first attested 1841; the verb 1888.
He was soundly defeated by William Henry Harrison in 1841.
This is the cry that woke up the rest of the Wangs one night during March, 1841.
7·《阿马尔菲海岸》1841。布面 油画。俄罗斯博物馆、俄罗斯圣彼得堡。
《The Coast at Amalfi》1841. Oil on canvas. The Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia.
When Prince Albert put up a Christmas tree at Windsor Castle in 1841, he started what became an evergreen trend.
She was in 1839 and 1841 respectively, as a tutor twice, but each time only a few months because she can not stand.
10·1841 - 1845年柯克·雷尔的建筑在概念上有些古怪:咄咄逼人的正面只能挡住一个房间的进深。
The Cockerell building of 1841-5 was a conceptual oddity: its blustering facade hid only a fillet of space one room deep.