one thousand seven hundred and fifty-four



The house was built all of a piece in 1754.

—— 《牛津词典》


Not until 1754 did England require issuance of a license for a marriage to be valid.


1754-Slot X Drive Array - RAID ADG configured but ADG is not supported on this controller model.

4·当斯波德(Josiah Spode II,1754~1827)将一种煅烧后的骨头加到硬陶配方中后,在约1800年制出了软陶。

Standard English bone china was produced c. 1800 when Josiah Spode II (1754-1827) added calcined bones to the hard-paste porcelain formula.

5·接着他要完善的是叉瓦式擒纵机构。叉瓦式擒纵机构1754年由英国制表师Thomas Mudge发明,从那以后就广泛运用于大部分表中。

Now he had to improve on the lever escapement, which had been invented in 1754 by the English horologist Thomas Mudge and used in most watches since.


Cleveland:a city of northeast Ohio on Lake Erie. a port of entry and industrial center, the city was laid out in 1796 by Moses Cleveland (1754-1806).


As a youth, Washington worked as a surveyor and in 1754 was sent with a military expedition to maintain Virginia's claim to Ohio lands against the French.


At 16 he helped survey Shenandoah lands for Thomas, Lord Fairfax. Commissioned a lieutenant colonel in 1754, he fought the first skirmishes of what grew into the French and Indian War.


Founded in 1754 as King's College, Columbia University is today an international center of scholarship, with a pioneering undergraduate curriculum and renowned graduate and professional programs.

更新时间:2025-03-14 01:59