one thousand six hundred and eighty-three



In 1683 his books were public burned in Oxford.

2·运行 清单 8 中的命令导致进程 1683 的优先值变为 30。

Running the command in Listing 8 caused process 1683 to have a nice value of 30.


The origin of the bagel is something of a mystery, but it probably dates back to 1683.


In 1683, Vienna (the capital of Austria) was under siege by over a hundred thousand Ottoman Turks.


The original museum of 1683 was based on the collections of Elias Ashmole, alchemist and antiquarian, a leading figure of "the New Philosophy".


The original museum of 1683 was based on the collections of Elias Ashmole, alchemist and antiquarian , a leading figure of "The New Philosophy".

7·印度尼西亚东部一岛屿,位于西里伯斯岛东北以西、摩鹿加群岛北部的岛屿。开始为葡萄牙所占领(1521 - 1574年),1683年被荷兰人征服。

An island of eastern Indonesia in the northern Moluccas west of northeast Celebes. Settled by the Portuguese (1521-1574), it was subjugated by the Dutch in 1683.


The first European coffeehouse opened in Venice in 1683, with the most famous, 12)Caffe Florian in 13)Piazza San Marco, opening in 1720. It is still open for business today.


They called this new pastry the "Kipfel" which is the German word for "crescent" and continued baking if for many years to commemorate the Austrian victory over the Turks in 1683.

10·这处设在Temple Stairs处的集市是伦敦泰晤士河冰面市场之一,也成为那个最冷的冬季(从1683年的12月份一直到1684年的2月4日)中一道独特的景观

This fair, one of several built on the frozen Thames in London during severe winters, was exceptional in that it lasted from December 1683 until 4th February 1684. Photograph: Corbis

更新时间:2025-03-29 07:04