1·赛门·福曼(1552 - 1611)是伦敦的一名最不名节的占星学家。
Simon Forman (1552-1611) is one of London's most infamous astrologers.
Levels with the lamp set to Normal range from 1552 for Video to 2140 for Presentation.
3·鞑靼斯坦共和国的首府喀山(Kazan)在1552年向伊凡雷帝(Ivan the Terrible)臣服——这是俄罗斯帝国史和帝国梦想中的一个决定性时刻。
Tatarstan's capital, Kazan, fell to Ivan the Terrible in 1552—a defining moment in Russia's imperial history and imagination.
The First Book, indeed, contains distinct prayers for the soul of the departed, but these were removed in 1552, and have never been restored.
The cathedral was built to commemorate Ivan the Terrible's successful military campaign against the Tartar Mongols in 1552 in the besieged city of Kazan.