In 1536 the small monasteries were dissolved.
1536 - the authority of the Pope is declared void in England.
The German artist Hans Holbein the Younger painted this portrait around 1536.
In 1536, as the French army broke into Turin, Italy, the famous French surgeon, Ambrose Pare, saw three badly burned soldiers, suffering in terrible agony.
5·使用GPU - Z查看Shader数量应为1536,gpu - Z数量的版本要0.5.0或以上,官方的0.4.9不支持6900系列。
Check the shader count using GPU-Z, it should show 1536. Make sure you use version 0.5.0 or newer, the official 0.4.9 version does not support HD 6900 Series properly.
Built on the Banks of the Loire in 1536 it is distinguished by its architectural peculiarity, which is characterized above all by its rectangular pavilions instead of round towers.
The Portuguese discovered the islands in 1520. 1536 French people to the islands named Saint Pierre and Miquelon. 1604 French fishermen in the establishment of a permanent settlement.
Such rules of origin in Roman law "meaning of doubt should be the interests of those who do not explain" principle, the Insurance Act was introduced in the United Kingdom began in 1536 as a Case.