1·RFC 1521和RFC 1522标注了“多功能因特网邮件扩充”(MIME)的类型和子类型。
RFC 1521 and RFC 1522 specify the types and subtypes for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME).
1521 - Battle of Mactan: Explorer Ferdinand Magellan is killed by natives in the Philippines led by chief Lapu-Lapu.
3·印度尼西亚东部一岛屿,位于西里伯斯岛东北以西、摩鹿加群岛北部的岛屿。开始为葡萄牙所占领(1521 - 1574年),1683年被荷兰人征服。
An island of eastern Indonesia in the northern Moluccas west of northeast Celebes. Settled by the Portuguese (1521-1574), it was subjugated by the Dutch in 1683.
4·特诺奇蒂特兰在历史上曾是伟大的阿兹特克帝国(即现在的墨西哥城)的首都。 1521年西班牙征服者到达该地时,这里曾有大约30万人口。
The capital of the great Aztec empire, which eventually morphed into today’s Mexico City, had about 300,000 inhabitants when Spanish conquistadors arrived in 1521.
The conquistadors, believing they held considerable military and technological superiority over these cultures, attacked and destroyed the Aztecs in 1521 and the Incas in 1532.
6·法国论坛lesDelliens声称,不但获得了传的满城风雨的1520、1521、1720和1721的详尽参数,还要额外带上一款神秘新品--14.1" 1420。
Better yet, French forum lesDelliens proclaims to have the specs on not only the 1520, 1521, 1720, and 1721 already churning in the rumor mill, but also on a new 14.1-inch 1420.
7·这些象形文字可以追溯到九世纪,比玛雅刻本历法提早了数百年。 玛雅刻本于公元1300年到1521年记载在树皮纸做的书上。
The hieroglyphs date back to the ninth century, making them hundreds of years older than the calendars in the Maya Codices, which were recorded in bark-paper books from 1300 to 1521.