13 1

13 1



The Ya 13 1 gas field is the first offshore giant gas field in China cooperatively developed by Western South China Sea Company, CNOOC and ARCO, USA.

2·崖13 - 1气田存在两种不同生源构成的“烃源灶”所生天然气以及不同成熟阶段所生天然气的混合作用。

It can be concluded that there is a mixing of gases which derived from two different hydrocarbon kitchens and generated in various maturation stages in Yacheng 13 1 field.

3·选择 Properties 选项卡(在图 13 中标识为 1)。

Select the Properties tab (marked 1 in Figure 13).


The following countries have reported laboratory confirmed cases with no deaths - Austria (1), Canada (13), Germany (3), Israel (2), New Zealand (3), Spain (4) and the United Kingdom (5).


As the average length of each call is just 1 minute, 13 seconds, critics suggest people cut short "real" conversations to communicate through text, email or social websites.


That's equivalent to 1 million barrels of oil, 13 percent of our current petroleum use, 22 percent of our current imports.


At the easier levels, gifted boys beat gifted girls on a ratio of 2:1; in the middle levels the ratio increased to 4:1; and at the highest degree of difficulty it reached 13:1.


Likewise, floating-point values are passed through the floating-point registers 1 through 13.


Conservation International, an activist group, wants 25% of land and 15% of marine resources designated as protected areas, up from 13% and a mere 1%, respectively, today.

10·它总是被分配进程ID 1,如清单13所示。

It is always assigned process ID 1, as you can see in Listing 13.

更新时间:2025-03-23 19:08