one thousand two hundred and nine


1·电话:+ 41 22 791 1209。

Telephone: + 41 22 791 1209.


The old London Bridge was built between 1176and 1209.


The story of the university began, as far as I know, in 1209.


Teaching suspended in 1209 because of the execution of two Oxford scholars by townspeople.


To understand how diversified Foxconn's supply chain is, pry the back off a Nokia 1209 handset.


Competitions between them also have a long history, dating back to around 1209, when Cambridge was just established.

7·在1209年的比萨城, Leonardo Pisano,又名“斐波那契”(Fibonacci),解决了一个数学谜题。 题目是计算一对兔子在一段时间内成对繁殖的速度。

In 1209 in Pisa, Leonardo of Pisano, also known as "Fibonacci, " used his skills to answer a math puzzle about how fast rabbits could reproduce in pairs over a period of time.

8·牛桥,是英国最著名的两所大学牛津大学和剑桥大学的合称。 剑桥大学是由 1209年从牛津大学逃离的学者们建立的。

Oxbridge is a composite of the two most renowned universities in Britain, the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge, which was founded by scholars fleeing Oxford in 1209.

更新时间:2025-03-15 14:29