one thousand one hundred and eleven



Please type "1111" in this column if you don't have pager number.


Called 1111 Lincoln Road, the building incorporates 300 parking Spaces.

3·该软件包包含一个版本的DAT 1111存根,它不具有检测功能。

The package contains a version 1111 stub DAT, which does not have detection capabilities.


Wait ta moment, please... Oh, Room 1111 is available, which commands a good view of Huangpu River.


Currently part of the funds began to move far 1111 contract warehouse on the 2011 growing area of concern for the market.


Wu Jia, Gao Xuejie. 2013. A gridded daily observation dataset over China region and comparison with the other data sets[J]. Chinese J Geophys, 56(4):1102-1111.


A large number of iron-based superconductors have been discovered up to now, which have four typical categories: 1111-compounds, 122-compounds, 111-compounds, 11-compounds.

8·清单3显示了查询代表了一个portType的绑定tModel(s),而这个绑定的portType对应于一个key为 uuid:11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111的portType tModel。

Listing 3 shows a query for binding tModel(s) that represent binding(s) for a portType that has a corresponding portType tModel with a key of uuid:11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111.


Forty percent of related businesses were hit with a sharp drop in revenue-23 percent on average-according to a survey by Taiwan companies 1111 Job Bank and its subsidiary TaiwanXing travel agency.

10·“一级谋杀罪”(First degree murder)意为,如果在美国特殊领海或领土管辖范围内,依据《美国法典》第18编第1111节,犯罪行为构成一级谋杀罪。

"First degree murder" means conduct that, if committed within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States, would constitute first degree murder under 18 U. S. C. § 1111.

更新时间:2025-03-17 18:13