Orval Abbey was founded in 1070.
Six months later, when Yahoo bought us, we had 1070 users.
All together - city model plus interior scene - we ended up with 1070 textures!
For example, silk has been found in the Valley of the Kings in a tomb of a mummy dating from 1070 BCE.[12]
5·对 10 70名育龄女性流动人口采用问卷调查 ,并开展多次专题组讨论。
Methods A sample of 1070 migrant women of child bearing age was drawn out and questionnaire study has been conducted.
Flows through Youyang County, Pengshui County, it finally pours into the Yangtze River in Fuling District, with an overall length of 1070 km.
To add to the complexity, the Department of Justice’s lawsuit—one of several brought against 1070—is not even based on the question of racial profiling.
A city of southwest Norway on inlets of the North Sea. Founded c. 1070, it was the largest and most important city of medieval Norway. Population, 207,232.
According to repairing supporting engineering of 1070 roadway in Wei Jia-di Coal Mine, stability failure mechanism of soft rock roadway engineering under complex stress conditions is analyzed.