Agricultural area: 1040 (1000 Ha).
Country area: 1040 (1000 Ha).
The Cisco 1040 sensors behave in a manner similar to Cisco IP phones.
We used random sampling method and selected 1040 cases to do this study.
1040 - King Duncan I of Scotland is killed in battle against his cousin and successor Macbeth.
The investigators compared 1040 patients who developed BCC alone with 140 who developed BCC and SCC.
7·我甚至把我的Atari 1040和苹果光盘组合在一起,使它在我能买得起一个真的Mac前如Mac一样奏效。
I even hacked my Atari 1040 with Apple ROMs to make it work like a Mac, before I could afford a real Mac.
8·热剩磁针在1040年前就已经被制造出来,为海员们所用。 到1119年这种技术已经很常见。
Thermo-remanence needles were being produced for mariners by the year 1040, with common use recorded by 1119.
Loan Charge Off Detail - This information is not reported to the IRS, but is helpful in completing your 1040.
10·马克白苏格兰国王(1040 - 1057年),在一次战斗中杀死其表兄国王邓肯(卒于1040年)后即位。
King of Scotland (1040-1057) who ascended the throne after killing his cousin King Duncan (died1040) in battle.