In early 2009, 213 036 cases of leprosy were reported, down from 5.2 million in 1985.
The model of Streptococcus zooepidemicus NUF—036 in batch fermentation was established in this paper.
Objectives to explore appropriate management model for children aged 036 months to improve the community health services and management.
4·结果全国市级机构突发公共卫生事件人力配置需要模拟测算为2 036人; 县级机构需要6 725人。
The municipal CDCs need 2 036 professionals, while at county CDC level, 6 725 professionals are needed to deal with the public emergency events.
5·全球疾病负担大量减少:从1985年的520万例减少到1995年的80.5万例,1999年底为75.3万例,2008年底为213 036例。
Dramatic decrease in the global disease burden: from 5.2 million in 1985 to 805 000 in 1995 to 753 000 at the end of 1999 to 213 036 cases at the end of 2008.