

1·后期006: 后期片— 对于处理后的照片,也是按照年份归类保存。

Photo Processing 006: Again, the photos after processing are also stored in years.

2·其中有32006份“目前正在执行队列之中,这些内容被归结成的任务事项(to - do item)大约为5800个。”

006 of these "are now in [the] implementation queue, boiled down to about 5800 to-do items."


In this example, you first create a search instance (line 005), then specify a search at line 006.

4·平落006 - 5井是平落坝低压易漏地质构造上的一口排水井。

Well Pingluo 006-5 is a drainage well in Pingluoba geologic structure with low pressure and easy loss.


Of those people, 1, 006 reported that they had been diagnosed with diabetes, or they had a hemoglobin A1C reading above 6.5 percent.

6·于两者之间者1000名手表来到略小于400个作品六五○一四二毫米PAM的006 , 007和008马我们的计时码表。

Somewhere in between those 1000 watches came a little less than 400 OP 6501 42 millimeter PAM 006, 007 and 008 Mare Nostrum chronograph watches.


The gains followed a strong end to the week for Wall Street, where the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA 11, 006, +57.90, +0.53%) closed above 11, 000 for the first time in five months.

更新时间:2025-03-24 19:38