eight thousand and one hundred


1·就以SARS(重症急性呼吸综合征)为例。 2003年,这种冠状病毒在全世界造成了恐慌。 在短短一个月内,就有8,100人受到感染,其中774人最终死亡。

Take SARS, or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, the coronavirus that gave the world a scare in 2003 when it infected 8100 people and killed 774 of them in a matter of months.

2·Ames Hotel ,去年十月开业,是Morgan Hotel Group旗下酒店,装饰时尚,拥有简单抽象风格的客房114间,以及一个健康中心。

The Ames Hotel (1 Court Street; 617-979-8100; ameshotel.com) opened last November as part of the Morgans Hotel Group, and has 114 minimalist rooms, a fitness center and trendy décor.

3·在Astor酒行以北的几个街区处,我找到了另外一个好地方:Union Square Wines内的一个试酒房。 (第四大道140号; 212-675-8100; unionsquarewines.com)。

A few blocks north of Astor, I hit another jackpot: In a room at the back of Union Square Wines (140 Fourth Avenue; 212-675-8100; unionsquarewines.com), 27 wines were available for tasting.

更新时间:2025-04-01 06:12