1·His last full-time job, as a merchandise buyer and product developer, ended four years ago when his employer went out of business.
2·The most essential elements for the product developer are described.
3·"We always store data in multiple zones to avoid this problem," said Jeremy Edberg, senior product developer at Reddit. "The reason it went down is that it failed in multiple zones."
Reddit的高级产品开发人员Jeremy Edberg说,“我们总是一直把数据存放在多个区域,以避免这个问题,网站衰弱的原因在于多个区域的数据都失效了。”
4·We very, very much hope that the greatest businessman, CEO and product developer of our era is doing okay, and that this decision does not mean his health has taken a turn for the worse.
5·Graduates of this field may embark on a career as laboratory food analyst, food product developer, nutrition journalist, food quality control specialist, or other related vocations.
6·These components could have been written by a component Developer or provided as part of an ESB product.
7·Each day the developer takes more items from the product backlog, each day the build contains more implemented items, and each day some new work may be added to the product backlog.
8·When software is purchased as a product, the software developer decides how the application accesses the database. Changes to the implementation are not possible.
9·For example, during the RUP Construction phase, a developer might determine that the product cannot be accessed by a persona using a screen reader.
10·It is known as a "zero-day" vulnerability because, effectively, it has been there since the product was launched - day zero - and not even its developer had spotted it.