more locomotive



1·But there is a word of warning for anyone thinks they could be faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, or able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.


2·Crudely put, the locomotive is better for train journeys of less than three hours - more than that the plane takes over.


3·RailPower Technologies Corp.'s Green Goat—a diesel-electric "switcher" (small, short-distance locomotive) used for assembling, disassembling and moving train cars in rai...[More]

RailPower 技术公司的“绿色山羊”——使用了柴油和电力两种能源的转换器(小型,短距离火车头),以此来在铁轨上组装,拆卸并且移动火车车厢。 这种转换器自2001年研制成功以来,就成为了铁路产业的第一个简易的混合能源装置。

4·Hills said it was even more galling because the local coal was perfect for use in a steam locomotive. It generates steam quickly and maintains its heat.


5·This paper analyses deeply about the discipline of sequential turbocharging, puts forward that this technique is more ideal in improving the performances of diesel locomotive with part load.


6·Travel and transportation were changed when the steamship was invented, and they were changed even more when the locomotive was invented by George Stephenson in 1814.

发明蒸汽船之后,人们的旅行和交通运输都改变了。而在1814年,乔治·史蒂芬逊发明蒸汽机车后,变化更大了。 。

7·Leaps over tall buildings in a single bound, is more powerful than a locomotive, is faster than a speeding bullet, walks on water, and gives policy to God.


8·As it costs time to assemble materials, this management mode is more suitable for the management of hygienic materials of locomotive logistics unit.


9·The harm of harmonic generated by locomotive of electrified railway, which uses electricity along the railway, is more widely and seriously than other harmonic souse to the power system.


10·Travel and transportation were changed when the steamship was invented, and they were changed even more when the locomotive was invented by George Stephenson in 1814.
