1·Your goal is to create a converter that is easy to extend to handle additional formats and that keeps logic for any particular input or output format as separate as possible.
2·We prefer the latter option because it allows us to simply associate a custom converter (with built-in validation logic) with a specific object type and have JSF handle that object type.
我们偏向后一种方法,因为 它让我们可以将自定义转换器(自带验证逻辑)与特定的对象类型相关联,并让 JSF 处理这种对象类型。
3·In this case, you would either have to write a custom validator, as well, or simply include any special validation logic in the custom converter.
4·The code snippet shown in Listing 7 is a test driver that exercises the xml2json converter logic.
5·If you want to stay "pure" to MVVM, in general, it'd be better to build a converter, which keeps the logic completely within the presentation layer (View).
6·Have introduced the improvement of converter control system in detail, the key logic relation of every link after elaborates improvement.
7·Inside the core there are three important models, such as digital-to-analog converter (DAC), voltage comparator and some other digital logic units.