1·In Europe their persecution by the gadje began quickly, with the church seeing heresy in their fortune-telling and the state seeing anti-social behaviour in their nomadism.
2·Unfortunately, there's been an increase in the number of minor crimes and anti-social behaviour in the general area and I want to talk about some specific prevention measures that are being proposed.
3·It was a study of the anti-social personalities he had encountered in the Ambulatorium.
4·For many, this means increased anti-social behaviour and, in comments sections, an uncharacteristic tendency to insult and attack.
5·This resolution struck me as a slightly anti-social resolution, but I could see the sense of it.
6·Mental disorientation is but one of the many effects of alcohol consumption. Another is anti-social behavior, and still another is physical deterioration.
7·He didn't accept that the lack of women at senior level was all due to glass ceilings, anti-social hours or lack of opportunity and encouragement.
8·The dangerous message being sent to young people is clear: 1 you are scum; 2 classical music is not a wonder of the human world, it's a repellent against mildly anti-social behavior.
9·"Many of the hunters were loners," our Swedish guide, Olle, says. "They were a bit anti-social."
10·The council have not said it is anti-social and the police would have been straight on to me if it was parked illegally," he said.