1·The program can be used as NMEA and COM port tester.
2·It supports connections via Telnet, SSH and COM port.
3·Communication to the light controller is through a USB COM port.
4·The Diagnostic Base System USES this com port to communicate with the VAS 5054a.
诊断基础系统就通过这个串口连接到VAS 5054a。
5·Through programming the com port of microprocessor realized the communication with PC.
6·All the data that goes through the monitored COM port will show up in our monitoring tool.
7·It allows you to receive and transmit data through the COM port and configure any COM port properties.
8·The COM port 9-pin could not be set to VCC (5V power supply). Please check your cable or connected equipment.
不能将COM 端口的第9 针脚色或者为VCC (5V 电源)。请检查该COM接口的连接电缆及与之连接的设备。然后复位该设备或确认在工程的脚本设置中设置了5V电源。
9·Two PC can communicate to each other by COM port and you can change the serial port parameter with the program.
程序可以实现利用 PC机的两个 COM口实现异步通信,并能根据设置调整异步传行通信 参数。
10·These include most hardware-management tasks that the computer could handle itself, like telling an application which COM port to use.