seven hundred and twenty-nine



Researchers recruited 2, 729 volunteers who regularly ran at least 10 miles per week.


Simulation tests indicate that the new method is better than the standard technology used in G. 729.


There are 729 elements, including a gear motor, yellow gear block, capacitor, and long and short leads.

4·介绍了对G . 729a中的算法和G . 729中的算法的比较,并给出了主观测试结果和编码的实现及其复杂度。

G. 729a. We compare it's algorithm with G. 729's, and give the subjective test results and code implementation and complexity.

5·方法收集自1987年以来在本院作精神司法鉴定的本地常住人口72 9例及外地非常住户口人员3 0 6例的资料。

Methods The data of 729 permanent residents and 306 temporary residents who had been examined in our hospital since 1987 were collected.


Based on a survey of 729 citizens in Wuhan city, this paper found that citizen had a great recreation demand for recreational urban forest.

7·结合某军事通信网设备的需要,进而对g . 729语音编码的码流的AT M适配方案进行了分析。

In combination with the requirements of a military communication network, the ATM adaptation solution of G. 729 coder 'bit stream is analyzed.


They analysed data of 10, 729 central nervous system tumours between 1990 and 2007, says a report in bmj.com (the online site of the British Medical Journal).


These algorithms are used during silence periods of speech to reduce ratio of transmission and improve ratio of use in signal channel. It's a best silence compression scheme for G. 729.

10·在众多语音压缩标准中,由itu - T(国际电信联盟)于1996年制定的G . 729语音编解码标准表现得十分抢眼。

Among so many voice compression standards, the performance of g. 729 voice codec which is established standards by ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union) in 1996 is very eye-catching.